Why Incore

Incore Group

Leading companies turn to us for our industry knowledge and experience, technological know-how and our reputation for delivering business value.
We have extensive trusted digital identity solution implementation and system development experience; and a track record for delivering complex system for large enterprises.

We have done this before

Collectively, our team members and partners have significant experience in developing and deploying trusted digital identity solutions and enterprise class Web based and mobile applications for established organizations; and we understand the key success factors in system implementations.

Our unique understanding

We have worked closely with various enterprises including government agencies before and we understand system development standard and framework. We can help in assuring that the system developed complies with the industries and compliance requirements. We maintain a focus on meeting these requirements for an effective system development.

We have strong subject matter specialists in all aspects of system implementation

Our subject matter specialists include experienced project managers; programmers; security, network and data storage architects; and cybersecurity specialists. We will put specific emphasis on reliability and cost effectiveness throughout.

We are not just technology focused

We appreciate the need to understand our clients and their requirements and priorities for promoting the usage of technologies.
We will not only deliver the Project, but we will also address the people, processes and procedures that will support and maintain a working system.

We understand best practices

We have accumulated a knowledge base of best practices for system development and cybersecurity and can adapt to specific situations to provide a basis for continuous improvement.

We focus on results

For us, it is all about what adds value for you and your business. Above all, we want our solutions and services to work for you.

We are easy to work with

We take the work seriously, but not ourselves. We are flexible in our approach and we are not pretentious.